CMBF Youth
Education Program

     The Central Maine Bird Fanciers will present a youth education program on Sunday, April 21st, starting at 10 a.m.This program will take place at the Evening Star Grange Hall in Washington, Maine. The Grange is located on the south side of Old Union Rd in Washington off Rte. 220.
     Various educational opportunities will be offered. Katherine Newcombe will be presenting a workshop on how to prepare a bird for showing. Bob Hawes will do a talk on Junior Showmanship – what the competition consists of and how to prepare for it. Linda Blackman will give tips on how to choose the right birds for showing, and comparing poultry competitions to dog shows. She will also organize a “Recognize the Breed” contest. Small prizes will be awarded to those who participate.
      Austin Brann will be there to demonstrate and do Pullorum testing. Having your flock tested is required if you are planning to show any poultry at shows or fairs this year, including the CMBF Spring Show which is slated to take place on Sunday, May 26th. If interested, bring your birds to be tested on that day. The cost is $10 for the testing.
      Tailgate sales will be available on the grounds, so if you’re looking for a specific breed, many reputable breeders should be there with birds to sell. This is also a good chance to connect with experienced breeders to ask questions and get information.
     The program will be followed by a pot luck dinner at noon, then a CMBF meeting at 1 p.m. All are invited to attend. You do not have to be a member of the club to participate, but membership forms will be available for anyone interested in joining. Cost for 1 year membership is $5 for a Junior member, $7 for Individual, and $10 for a family membership. Benefits include a quarterly newsletter.
     This education program is available for any age, not just youngsters.

      For more information, contact Linda Blackman at 542-4323 or

For a list of other Maine poultry shows and events,


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What's New Around Here?

  1. CA - Wyandotte - Silver Pencil Hens - $45 Pullets $35

    Southern CA - Silvery Pencil Wyandottes - Also have 3 BLUE Wyandotte hens $45 each. And a pair of Ameraucanas (Roo & Hen $75) Having trouble loading
  2. NJ - Modern Game female - $50

    She's 4 months old and almost 22 inches tall. Speckled gray. Energetic and smart bird. If interested, reply to:
  3. IN - Saxony Trio

    I have a few Saxony Trio's that are available. Most of them are from this spring hatch. They are $65-$75 depending on quality. Please email

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