Colorado Poultry Shows
Poultry Show Dates
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Never stop learning! Check out these helpful pages:
Don't judge a bird by it's picture alone. True assessment of the show quality of a bird must be done in person.
Here are some nest box design tips that encourage your hens to use them.
Can't figure out what's wrong with your flock? See if we can help!
Call or text 262-945-8675 if you have buff Orpington chicks available.
Peacocks, blue pairs and white male. 2+ yrs old. Barbara Spencer 814-571-4225 Live near State College, PA. email:
Mindian fantails, fantails, archangels, magpie, english carriers, full headed swallows, german owls, modenas, parlor rollers, baldhead rollers, nuns, komornor