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 East Texas Poultry Trades Day

Yamboree Livestock Pavilion

Hwy 271 N.

Gilmer, TX

(Look for Bob Glaze Dr and Gilmer Civic Center, Pavilion is North of Civic Center and Walmart)


Lots of vendors of all kinds of poultry, rabbits, goats, feeders, cages, etc.

3 Times Per Year in April, June & September

Vendor Fee $25

Facebook Group

For more information, contact:

Sarah Langley



For current date and for other Texas swaps,


East Texas Trade Day June 2023

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Never stop learning! Check out these helpful pages:

  • It's important to keep good records so you stay organized as you build up your breeding flock.  Here are some charts and checklists to get you started.

    Record Keeping Charts

    It's important to keep good records so you stay organized as you build up your breeding flock. Here are some charts and checklists to get you started.

  • What are the essentials in housing your poultry in chicken coops to keep them healthy and safe?

    Healthy Chicken Coops

    What are the essentials in housing your poultry in chicken coops to keep them healthy and safe?

  • Learn what vitamins & supplements you can add to your chicken's diet and what benefits each one has.

    Poultry Vitamins & Supplements

    Learn what vitamins & supplements you can add to your chicken's diet and what benefits each one has.

What's New Around Here?

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    Information on the Lindsay Exhibition
  2. Lindsay Ag Society Fur & Feather, Seed & Plant Sale

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  3. TX - Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons

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