Feather Lover Farms Banner June 2024
Rogier Updated Gray Banner

Enchanted Serama Show

May Show:

Expo New Mexico

300 San Pedro Drive Northeast

Albuquerque, NM 87108

December Show:

Cleveland Country Fairgrounds

615 E. Robinson

Norman, OK

Download December 2018 Entry Form

For more information contact:

Dexter Fields


For current date and other NM Poultry Shows, CLICK HERE

Show Secretaries: Please send current catalog files to  poultryshowcentral@gmail.com  so it can be added to this page.   PS Do not use this email to request a catalog.

Are you aware of any corrections to this information? Our goal is up-to-date & accurate and we rely on your help!  Please let us know!

May Show:

View Larger Map

December Show:

Note: For most shows, judging starts at 9am on the first day. For 2-day shows, coop-out is usually by lunchtime on the 2nd day. Coop-in times vary. 

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What's New Around Here?

  1. Wanted: Buff Orpington Chicks

    Call or text 262-945-8675 if you have buff Orpington chicks available.
  2. PA - Peacocks

    Peacocks, blue pairs and white male. 2+ yrs old. Barbara Spencer 814-571-4225 Live near State College, PA. email: bndfarm@windstream.net
  3. OH - Pigeons and doves

    Mindian fantails, fantails, archangels, magpie, english carriers, full headed swallows, german owls, modenas, parlor rollers, baldhead rollers, nuns, komornor

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