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Hardin County Poultry Banquet

Kenton Christian Missionary Alliance Church Family Center
15436 St. Rt. 309
Kenton, OH  43326

March 17, 2018

There is no charge for the evening.  Each family is asked to bring a side dish and a dessert.  Meat and table service will be provided.

This will be a wonderful time to fellowship with other poultry lovers and to learn more about poultry.  We will be having a guest speaker, Lisa Samples from Cedar Crest Farm & Feed.  Cedarcrestfarmandfeed.com
She will be speaking on the delights of raising poultry and will have some of her fabulous rare & endangered birds to offer us at reduced prices for our banquet.
We will be crowning our 2018 Hardin County Fair King and Queen and recognizing all of our 2017 Champion and Reserve Champion winners.
Lots of door prices and a raffle for a Frizzle Bantam Cochin rooster.  He is beautiful and Sweet!
Learning for old and young alike!
Great opportunity for 4H & FFA youth to get excited about poultry and take some birds home to start their project!

For more information, contact:

Marissa Osborne

(419) 757-2035

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