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How did you do?

1.  Name 3 of the 4 functions of the allantois.

1)Embryonic respiratory organ 2) Receives excretions from embryonic kidney 3) Absorbs calcium from the shell for the structural needs of the embryo 4) It absorbs albumen to serve as nutrient (protein) for the embryo, like a placenta in mammals

2.  Another word for lacrimation is:
                A. coughing
                B. sneezing
                C. tearing
                D. huddling

3. When growing pullets giving birds enough room to grow is important. Which bird strain of hen is likely  to need 2.5-3 square feet per bird?
                A. Leghorns
                B. Rhode Island Red
                C. Black Sex Link
                D. Both B and C

4.  Egg cartons from USDA-inspected plants must display a ____ date, which is the date the eggs were packed.  Julian

5.  What do you call the outer covering of the egg that is mostly made up of calcium carbonate?  Shell

6.  Without fresh, clean _____ laying hens will not eat and then they will go out of production.  Water

7.  Three different disinfectants are mentioned for cleaning the coop and equipment if you are starting chicks. This will aid in disease prevention. Name 2 of the three disinfectants mentioned.  1) Creosol 2) Quaternary ammonium 3) Hot lye water

8.  At the large end of the egg there is an empty space between the albumen and the shell. What is the name of this empty space? Air Cell

9.  Long legs and a long neck describe this breed with a tall, slender appearance.  Modern Game

10.  This ratites weighs 250-400 lb. Is it:
                A. Rhea
                B. Ostrich
                C. Cassowary
                D. Emu

11.  What is the name for the advertising, research and promotion organization for the egg industry?
                A. American Egg Board
                B. Poultry and Egg National Board
                C. United States Department of Agriculture
                D. Healthy Living Board

12.  Instead of lying naturally pointed toward the tail, the feathers of the _____ (breed in the All Other Standard Breed Class) curl back toward the head.  Frizzle

13.  This ratite is native to New Guinea and Australia. Name the ratite.  Cassowary

14.  In washing eggs, the _____ is removed so a light, tasteless, layer of _____ oil is applied to the shell in commercial settings.  Bloom, Mineral

15.  The ____ bone of a bird that flies is important because it is where pertoral flight muscles attach to the skeleton.  Keel

16.  Which breed from the All Other Standard Breed Class originates from Turkey?  Sultan

17.  Which is more harmful to an embryo in an incubator, 15 minutes at 105 degrees or 3-4 hours at 95 degrees?  105 degrees for a short time will seriously affect the embryo, while a lower temperature will only slow their metabolic rate

18.  What is the incubation period for a canary?  13 days

19.  When turning eggs manually during incubation, how many times should they be turned per day from day 2-18? 3-5 times/day

20.   What is the initial break in the shell, made by the egg tooth, called?  External pipping

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