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1.       What color should Sebright bantam's earlobes be? (Purplish Red, but Turquoise is acceptable)

2.       What is the weight of a standard Cochin Cock? (11 lbs.)

3.       True or False: The APA logo includes a Feather and a Breastbone. (False, it includes a Feather and a Wishbone)

4.       How many Duck breeds are in the Subject Index of the Bantam Standard? (5)

5.       Who is the president of the APA? (Sam Brush)

6.       Who is the president of the ABA? (Jeff Halbach)

7.       True or False: There is a Japanese Bantam on the ABA Logo. (True)

8.       The 4 Orpington varieties Recognized by the APA are ______, _______, _______, & _______. (Buff, Black, White, and Blue)

9.       Is there a treatment for Marek's Disease? (No)

10.    What is the Smallest breed of chicken? (Serama)

11.    Where is the Comb located? a. The tail,  b. The head,  c. The wing,  or  d. The leg. (b.)

12.     As yellow-shanked birds get older, do their shanks get Paler or Yellower? (Paler)

13.    Which class are Runner Ducks in? (Light)

14.    Are Rhode Island Reds & Rhode Island Whites the same breed? (No)

15.    Do Pyncheon Bantams have Crests? (Yes)

16.    What is a Male duck called? (Drake)

17.    How many "True Large Fowl" are there? (None)

18.    Are there Black Aseels? (Yes)

19.    Female Ancona Combs are ________ sized. (Medium)

20.    There are __ main parts of the Wing. (7)

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