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Legs not Yellow enough

by Hayley

This is actually a question, but my very expensive silver laced wyandottes have pale legs only the females and they are all fed the same. I read that all the pigment in their legs goes to their yolk. How do I get that color back in their legs?

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Oct 18, 2022
Hens lose color when laying NEW
by: Anonymous

Hens bleach out when laying. More carotene, please. Yellow corn, cut carrots as a treat, melons, etc.

Just be careful not to overfeed and cause obesity.

May 20, 2019
Legs not yellow enough NEW
by: Dave Cousins

I had wyandotte bantams and legs were not yellow enough so I increased the amount of corn i fed them, sweet corn is perfect and it worked but takes a couple of weeks.

Apr 24, 2016
Marigolds NEW
by: Anonymous

Marigolds help with color.

Jul 18, 2015
Improving yellow legs
by: Anon

I was at a show yesterday and the judges were impressed with the amount of yellow in all of my American birds legs. A friend of mine mentioned to the judge that I feed a good bit of corn (50-66%) and wondered if it had an effect. We were having this conversation over two New Hampshire Red cockerels out of the same breeding. Mine with bright yellow legs and beak, smooth red comb and wattles, but a darker body color. The other cockerel was much closer to standard in body color, but had a very rough skinned comb and pale legs and beak. (My friend feeds only flock raiser.) She asked if perhaps more show birds should be getting corn, but the judge didn't seem to support the idea but did say it had worked well for me.

To me a good judge will pick a nice hen even if she is pale knowing she is already laying unless the competition is very close. I can't say it will work for a laying hen but my using corn out if necessity worked well in my favor.

May 04, 2015
by: Anonymous

I do not claim to be an expert,but if I were you,I would try to add some type of food high in CAROTENE to their diet. This will cause no harm to them.Carotene is the substance in carrots, pumpkins and sweet potatoes that colors them orange

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