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OR - Golden & Silver Campines on the West Coast

by Kerby Jackson
(Grants Pass, Oregon)

Campines in Golden & Silver.

Bred To Standard
For Utility
For Vigor
For Beauty

Also redeveloping Rosecomb Campines and Chamois Campines

Breeding Stock and Hatching Eggs often available.

Sharing Campine information, my specialty.

Member: Society For the Preservation of Poultry Antiquities
American Poultry Association
The Livestock Conservancy

Email: minerkerbyjackson@gmail.com
Visit: www.campines.net

Comments for OR - Golden & Silver Campines on the West Coast

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Nov 22, 2021
Golden Campines NEW
by: Faiyumi enthusiast

Hey your web site is down. Are you still selling golden campiness? I need a rooster pretty bad but will glady buy straight run or hatching eggs or whatever it takes. Email me at faiyumihatchery@gmail.com

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  • It's important to keep good records so you stay organized as you build up your breeding flock.  Here are some charts and checklists to get you started.

    Record Keeping Charts

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  • Hatching eggs in an incubator successfully requires careful attention to the temperature, humidity of the incubator and the fertility of the hatching eggs too!

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    Hatching eggs in an incubator successfully requires careful attention to the temperature, humidity of the incubator and the fertility of the hatching eggs too!

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