Feather Lover Farms Banner June 2024
Rogier Updated Gray Banner

What a disappoinment.

by Charles Kendrix
(Magnolia, Texas)

I don't know where to start. A couple of friends and I attended this show last year, and met a lot of nice folks. To make it clear all three of us were more interested in the NPA sanctioned pigeon show than the chicken show.

This year I and a friend drove 240 miles to the fairgrounds to see the pigeon show, and maybe meet some the of folks we met last year and maybe get some new contacts. We knew that it appeared that the chicken show got canceled, but we don't know why that happened, but as it turned out it seemed like the chicken folks had more sense than the pigeon folks. You see when we arrived unlike last year we needed a ticket to enter the fairgrounds since they were having an event. We went around and stood in line with a fellow, his wife, and their child who were all looking to see the pigeon show. Image the disappointment to have driven so far to see that a single ticket to get in was $40 because some country singer was playing that night. I convinced a gate keeper to let me to see if the pigeon group could get passes for the bird show only to be told we would have to pay the forty dollars. Even at the big fairs like the Worth Fort stock show they only charge $8 to get in to the animal area. It would be nice if someone had thought enough of the people that want to attend to warn them in advance that things had changed, and it would have been even nicer and generated more interest to outsiders if they had changed the venue to where folks weren't getting their pockets picked to see the pigeons, and socialize with other pigeon people.

Charles Kendrix

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What's New Around Here?

  1. CA - Wyandotte - Silver Pencil Hens - $45 Pullets $35

    Southern CA - Silvery Pencil Wyandottes - Also have 3 BLUE Wyandotte hens $45 each. And a pair of Ameraucanas (Roo & Hen $75) Having trouble loading
  2. NJ - Modern Game female - $50

    She's 4 months old and almost 22 inches tall. Speckled gray. Energetic and smart bird. If interested, reply to: elfe14@earthlink.net
  3. IN - Saxony Trio

    I have a few Saxony Trio's that are available. Most of them are from this spring hatch. They are $65-$75 depending on quality. Please email sunshinemeadowfarm@outlook.com

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