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MO - Muscovy Ducks for sale male and female

by Jen
(Independence, MO )

Colors include: white/silver, brown/white, eyes are blue and teal.
Chicks: unsexed: $8
Female Adolescent and adult: > six months: $25 hatched 6/11/2021
Male adolescent and adult: > six months $20 hatched 6/11/2021

Contact for more pictures or questions:
Jen 913-205-4672
Josh 913-217-8194

Comments for MO - Muscovy Ducks for sale male and female

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Apr 27, 2023
by: Anonymous

I was wondering if it was to get eight brown and white ones.

Feb 27, 2023
Shipping? NEW
by: Cassie

Would you be able to ship ducklings to Tennessee?

Feb 21, 2023
muscovys NEW
by: Anonymous

do you ship too iowa?

Oct 14, 2022
Muscovy adolescent female NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi! I would like a healthy female shipped to NH. Does that work and if so how much would it be?

Mar 23, 2022
Shipping adolescents to the East Coast NEW
by: Anonymous

Hello! Can you ship adolescents/adults to SC?

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