Trivia Answers
- What is the smallest breed of chicken? (Serama)
- How many tail feathers should a female chicken have
on one side? (7)
- A Sebright Bantam Pullet is ___ oz. (18)
- What is the medicine for Coccidiosis? (Corid)
- True or False: On crested breeds, mites like to hide
in the crest. (True)
- Are Sussex Bantams supposed to be deep? (Yes)
- Do Australorps come in White? (Yes, but mostly in Australia.
They come in Blue too!)
- On Australorps, the highest point of the tail should
be lined up with the _________. (Wattles)
- With Wyandotte Bantams, the shape of the back should look
like a a. V b. U c. L (V)
- What color should Sebright eyes be? (Brown)
- Do Toulouse Geese have Dewlaps? (Yes)
- Are Silkies the only Breed with Silky feathers? (No,
also Silkie Seramas)
- Can Hens crow? (Yes, but mostly when they are really
- “Showgirl” Bantams are a mixture of _______ _______
& _________. (Naked Necks & Silkies)
- There are __ breeds in the English Class. (6)
- There are __ Chicken Classes (11)
- Yokohamas come in ____ ___________ & _______.
(Red Shoulder & White)
- Do Marans always have Feather Feet? (No)
- On which breed is Squirrel Tail not a
Disqualification? (Japanese Bantams)
- Should Sebrights have Gypsy on their combs? (Yes)
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I frequently get asked about bringing in new blood to their flock. These questions usually get asked by new breeders.
A few simple precautions will go a long way in keeping your flock happy, healthy, and whole through the long cold months ahead.
- Feather Valley farm on Facebook Feather_Valley_Farm on Instagram NPIP can ship. Hatching eggs and chicks.
I am seeking out of print, breed club specific books: The Dutch Bantam 100 years of history. Nankin Bantam Older APA Standards books: 44th edition
This ancient breed dates back to the mid-1600s. Their distinctive downward curved bill gives them a Roman Nose appearance. The origin remains unknown to