Pigeon Shows

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What's New Around Here?

  1. IN - Ayam Cemani Chicks & Hatching Eggs - $30

    We have Ayam Cemani chicks hatching on Sep. 10th, 2024, and more chicks hatching throughout the month. We do offer hatching eggs as well. Our Rooster is
  2. TX - Dark And WLR Cornish Standards 979-239-7026) TX show quality South of Houston TX

    Dark And WLR Cornish LF Standard Show Quality TxSouth of Houston TX 979-239-7026
  3. CA - Wyandotte - Silver Pencil Hens - $45 Pullets $35

    Southern CA - Silvery Pencil Wyandottes - Also have 3 BLUE Wyandotte hens $45 each. And a pair of Ameraucanas (Roo & Hen $75) Having trouble loading

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