AZ - Ayam Cemani cock - $100
by Amanda
(Tucson, AZ)
One year old Ayam Cemani Cock. Both parents we hatched from Sugar Feather Farm lines. He has no white leakage. From his progeny we’ve hatched a dozen and one white toe leaked through. The hen had zero white leakage in the pair.
He is not aggressive and does not attack. He will avoid being held but is nice enough once he’s caught. A good protected if his hens
Selling simply to focus on bantam modern games.
$100 OBO or trade for birchen bantam moderns.
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Southern CA - Silvery Pencil Wyandottes - Also have 3 BLUE Wyandotte hens $45 each. And a pair of Ameraucanas (Roo & Hen $75) Having trouble loading
She's 4 months old and almost 22 inches tall. Speckled gray. Energetic and smart bird. If interested, reply to:
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