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NJ - Modern Game female - $50
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So you're headed to a show as a Junior. What can you expect during the showmanship competition? How can you prepare?
Learn the Basics of Raising Chickens
While snakes don’t pose as much of a threat to adult chickens as a Coyote or Fox, they can still make a meal out of your chickens’ eggs.
Call or text 262-945-8675 if you have buff Orpington chicks available.
Peacocks, blue pairs and white male. 2+ yrs old. Barbara Spencer 814-571-4225 Live near State College, PA. email:
Mindian fantails, fantails, archangels, magpie, english carriers, full headed swallows, german owls, modenas, parlor rollers, baldhead rollers, nuns, komornor