TN - Call duck/ducklings
To sell-Call ducklings of various ages. Call ducks are a bantam breed of duck often weighing 1 to 2 pounds when mature. These guys grow fast reaching their adult size before they're eight weeks old. A variety of colors. Many of the ducklings are already NOT needing supplemental heat and are in an outside pen.
Prices vary depending on type and age.
I also have muscovy ducklings to sell-normals and chocolate.
For more information email:
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We have Ayam Cemani chicks hatching on Sep. 10th, 2024, and more chicks hatching throughout the month. We do offer hatching eggs as well. Our Rooster is
Dark And WLR Cornish LF Standard Show Quality TxSouth of Houston TX 979-239-7026
Southern CA - Silvery Pencil Wyandottes - Also have 3 BLUE Wyandotte hens $45 each. And a pair of Ameraucanas (Roo & Hen $75) Having trouble loading