Heartland Exotic Bird and Animal Auction
Lincoln Co Fairgrounds
5015 Rodeo Rd
North Platte, NE
*Note: New Location*
9:00 AM
10:00 AM Poultry/Small Animal
Admission: $5
Age 10 & Under - FREE
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So the day of the poultry show has arrived and your birds need to sparkle. What's do you take in your grooming bucket to make them shine?
I frequently get asked about bringing in new blood to their flock. These questions usually get asked by new breeders.
If these predators find their way into your coop, they can steal eggs, frighten your hens, and even eat baby chicks.
Call or text 262-945-8675 if you have buff Orpington chicks available.
Peacocks, blue pairs and white male. 2+ yrs old. Barbara Spencer 814-571-4225 Live near State College, PA. email: bndfarm@windstream.net
Mindian fantails, fantails, archangels, magpie, english carriers, full headed swallows, german owls, modenas, parlor rollers, baldhead rollers, nuns, komornor